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The Clothes Rack

By: Tony Steven Williams


He’s coped well

Since Melody passed

Friends, rellies, neighbors

Often remark

On the way he dealt

With the funeral

Her possessions,

And all that tearful

But essential admin

Finances, taxes, the will

But he refused help

Dealt with it all

They would shake their heads

Would we be as brave

If the unthinkable transpired?

But he was a proud man

And one, they knew

Treated sentiment

As a weakness to eschew

I can never forget her

But she’s up and gone

He would say

And I must be strong

As she would expect

And yet,

On the clothes rack

Beside the front door

Her scarf and sunhat

Hanging on pegs

Still color the hall

Carefully draped

As if, she might call

See ya!

any moment now

and grab them

for her daily stroll

About the Author

Tony Steven Williams is an Australian poet, short-fiction author and occasional songwriter living in Canberra with his artist wife Arlene. He has had several publications in journals, anthologies and magazines. Tony writes across many genres and forms but, in all his work, the environment and the human condition are very important to him. Tony has had two poetry collections published: Sun and Moon, Light and Dark (Ginninderra Press, 2018) and Reimmersion (Ginninderra Press, 2023).

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